Audio in our project

As our project is so concentrated on visuals, some might tend to forget about audio. Not GloArt. Audio is very important to our project. The stepping stones/Sensor will not only trigger certain lighting effects bout also will trigger different audio tracks. These audio tracks will contain a various amount of different sounds that might pertain to the sounds of a cave that would habitat the glow worms. The glow worms will have different made up sounds that will convey certain moods they are in, like perhaps screeching, or"eeking" sounds. Aswell as that, other sounds included will be the water dripping, outside sounds, birds maybe, all different pulsing and ruffling kind of sounds all with an echo effect, confusing I know but you will see. Its supposed to be a cave remember.

Carol is the audio specalist in our group. To capture the sounds she will be using an etherol audio kit which we will get from the college.

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