Problem....Problem solved?

We have came back from the brink of destruction. Of late attendance within the group all at once has been sparse. The group communication was at a low and we kept changing the idea. So we needed to find our feet and thats exactly what we did, and with a whole NEW IDEA, and yes, this is the last time we change it and yes we may seem a bit behind the loop now but in the course if the last we we have done a lot to get on course.

On monday we brought fibre optics into class and did basic preliminary tests just to show the programming project lecturer what we were at, he claimed we were onto a winner which gave the group some well needed confidence. Same on tuesday in the electronics class, and as well as the momentum we are gaining, the group attendance has been great this week. Fingers crossed it can be kept up.

The word right now is....Fibre optics.

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